
Alessio Merlo avatar image
Alessio Merlo asked Matthew Gillespie commented

Pull from all partitions


I have a very simple problem: with the process flow I create a list with two partition and I want to pull a value from all entries in the list without defining the partition.

Is there an option in the activity "Pull from list" to pull a value from all partitions of the list?

I attached an example.pullfromlist.fsm

FlexSim 16.2.1
process flowlistpartitions
pullfromlist.fsm (18.7 KiB)
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christian.n avatar image christian.n commented ·


I have had the same problem as Alessio, and I never did find a viable solution. I worked around it by creating a number of seperate lists and various blocks that pulled from them.

Any help would be appreciated.

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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie edited

Unfortunately, it is only possible to pull from one partition at a time. You can pull sequentially from all your partitions and get some of the same functionality, but you can't put a backorder on the list that will wait for an entry on any partition.

One way to get around this issue, while still "partitioning" your entries is to use a list with no partitions and use fields to partition the entry. You would then use a WHERE statement in your query when you want to pull from a specific "partition".

For example, in this model I have one list with no partitions, but I have three fields (groupA, groupB, groupC) that act as my "partitions". When I need someone from GroupA I pull with a query that says WHERE groupA >0. When I need someone from either GroupA or GroupB I could just pull without a query or with a query that says WHERE groupC >0.

partitions.png (7.8 KiB)
multigrouplist.fsm (24.5 KiB)
5 |100000

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