Hi there,
I want add a row and then write data to a global table when an item leaves a processor (just Name and time as an example) but access this during an experimenter run.
I want to some how get all the data entries in the table and write them to a different table after an experiment replication has finished. So my plan was to put the data in to a table called "Processor Data" as items leave the processor. Then at the end of the experiment replication i want to move that data to a "Master" table that will be available at the end of the experiment but will contain columns for ScenarionNum, ReplicationNum, ProcessorName and Time so i have a reference to the experiment.
I have attached a small model but i am struggling to alter the End Replication to achieve this.
Could you guys maybe give me a hand. I know @phil.bobo and i talk briefly about this during the conference.