
Cameron Pluim avatar image
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Cameron Pluim asked Cameron Pluim commented

Bug with Process Flow Dashboards

There are actually 2 bugs here that I think are related. In the attached model you will find 2 processes that are identical as far as how they behave. One process is built with the standard Fixed resources, and the other is built using process flow.

If you run the model in it's current state, and push the button on the script window to execute the user command ExportTables(), you will get a folder in the model directory with .csv files for the queue content over time, and the zone request content over time.

The problem that I am seeing is that the zone request content over time is creating an empty (except for headers) file in the following 2 scenarios.

  1. Close the dashboard window and run the model again. Then execute the script window again.
  2. Run the experimenter. The script to run ExportTables() is in the End of Replication Trigger, so you do not need to do anything else.

In both of these scenarios you will find that the queue content is the same as if you run it with the dashboards open, but the zone request content is an empty file


FlexSim 16.2.1
process flowexperimenterdashboards
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Cameron Pluim commented

Sorry for the delay! I fixed this issue; the next beta/release should have the fix.

As a workaround for now, add this code into ExportTables(), before you call "createCSV" for the request chart:

  1. treenode dummy = nodeinsertinto(node("Tools", model()));
  2. function_s(node("/Tools/Statistics/RequestContent",model()), "getData",dummy);
  3. destroyobject(dummy);

The "getData" function kicks the chart, so that it will update the internal data that it's keeping.

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