
Kari Payton avatar image
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Kari Payton asked Regan Blackett commented

Problem with items appearing in queue after being loaded and moved to a warehouse.

I have a forklift loading an item from queue "HOSES 1". The issue is that after the forklift loads the item, another item appears in the queue. It looks like it is coming from another queue, but my process flow doesn't say for this to happen. Link to File

FlexSim 16.2.1
process flowqueue
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1 Answer

Regan Blackett avatar image
Regan Blackett answered Regan Blackett commented

@Kari Payton

I think we need to check your references in the Load Queue subflow. The pallet that is being loaded is Pallet24 that originates in "GLASS 450 DW", and not the Pallet that was created into "HOSES 1". All of the Create Object activities are overwriting the item label, causing the references to the created objects to be lost, such that that only valid reference left at the end of the block is the aforementioned pallet in "GLASS 450 DW".

My suggestion would be to set different labels for each pallet created in that block, or use the 'Insert at Front of' option on the 'Create Object' activity properties to put all the references into an Array and reference them as elements in the array.

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