
Jason Merschat avatar image
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Jason Merschat asked Jason Merschat commented

Send to Port By Time of Day - Bug?

I am using the Send to Port > By Time of Day

I select the proper port based on the timing I want it to route to. As I follow the model, the routing starts at the wrong time. I looked to see if there was some blocking happening downstream that might cause an overflow condition to the other port at the wrong time, but none exists. Is this a bug in the program?


FlexSim 16.2.1
routingportby time of daysend to port by time of day
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Jason Merschat commented

Open the code for that picklist option and change line 7 from

  1. int zerohour = /**\nModel Start Hour: *//***tag:zerohour*//**/12/**/;


  1. int zerohour = getmodelunit(START_HOUR);

I'll add a note to the dev list to fix this.

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