
Stan Davis avatar image
Stan Davis asked Jeff Nordgren answered

Decide Activity Connector By Case Using String Label

Is there a way to use string cases instead of numeric cases for the Decide activity's 'Connector By Case'?

I need to evaluate the case based upon a label's string value. The 'Connector By Case' is expecting an integer when evaluating the label. I tried rewriting the case code to accept a string, but I received the 'syntax error, unexpected string, expecting integer or hexadecimal integer or '-' ' error.

I can accomplish what I need to do using the token's label option instead of 'Connector By Case' option, but I have to have my connectors' names match my label string names.



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Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered Stan Davis commented

Switch statements do not work with strings. Instead you can write a series of if statements:

  1. string value = getlabel(token, "labelName");
  2. if (value == "string1")
  3. return 1;
  4. if (value == "string2")
  5. return 2;


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Jeff Nordgren avatar image
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Jeff Nordgren answered

@Stan Davis


Attached is a sample model using what Matt Long suggests in his answer. If you have any questions, please let me know.


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