
Ramesh Yadav avatar image
Ramesh Yadav asked Ramesh Yadav commented

Dispatcher Pass To Function


Is there any reference material available to understand the dispatcher pass to functions like shortest distance and shortest distance if available. How both are different? How each options actually works?

Is there anyway to update current dispatching logic in such a way that it would result in minimum time and minimum idleness.

Thank You.

FlexSim 16.1.2
dispatchermaterialpass to
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Ramesh Yadav commented

Pass to the object closest to the destination: This function searches the taskexecuter connected to the dispatcher which current location is nearest to the object to load an item from. Lines 9 to 11: evaluate the object, which is the destination of the first found travel task. Lines 16 to 25: look for a taskexecuter connected to the Output port of the dispatcher, compute the travel distance between the load station and its current location and store the output port number with the lowest travel distance.

The "avaible" option tests in advance if the input port number of the connected taskexecuter is open and in general if the taskexecuter input is open. A Taskexecuter is available when the input port is open, wether the defined port number and the input in general.

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