
Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen asked anthony.johnson edited

Group as class object in 17?

Hi Guys,

Just testing version 17 a bit further and I wonder, shouldn't their be a class for a Group, similar to that of table?

so that we could do

Group operators = refgroups("xxx");

Object operator = operators.members[1];

or something along these lines?

FlexSim 17.0.0
class groups
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1 Answer

anthony.johnson avatar image
anthony.johnson answered anthony.johnson edited


Yes, there are still a lot of classes that we did not put into the 2017 release. These will hopefully get into the next release. Possible classes would be:

  • Classes associated with library objects (Processors, Racks, Conveyors, AGVs, etc.)
  • Tracked Variables
  • Kinematics
  • Task Sequences
  • Groups
  • Lists

For the 2017 release we just wanted to get the core functionality in, along with a few primary classes associated with the different facets of FlexSim. Making the first release more minimalist allows us breathing room to make the best design of those follow-on classes, and allows us to get more user feedback like yours.

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