
Mack Pan avatar image
Mack Pan asked Mack Pan commented

Multiple predecessors and process detection

I would like to model a process with multiple steps, customer will go through steps A -> B ->C ->D, step A trigger an item task a, while waiting for a to be completed, customer continue with step B, step B trigger an item task b, while waiting for a and b, customer continue with step C, customer will only be able to go to step D when item task a and b and task C is completed (a and b can be completed before or after step C), how to set the predecessor for step D?

Another question is that, if use % to model different flows, say 50% go process A and 50% go without process A, a downstream process B will only be activated when the customer went through process A, how to detect whether the customer went through A or not?

Thanks for ideas.

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multiple predecessors and process detection
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Mack Pan commented

I would model this example using FlexSim's Process Flow to handle the logic. You can use Event Triggered Sources and Wait For Event activities to handle the points you mentioned about needing certain sequences to finish at certain times before going to the next process. Then using Lists, you could push your items and customer to lists, and pull them from the list during certain activities to synchronize the customers and items with each other as need.

You could also use Process Flow to model a percentage of customers going different routes using a Decide activity. In order to detect whether certain customers went through a certain process, I would add a label to the customer or the token, that designates which activities the customer has been through.

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Mack Pan avatar image Mack Pan commented ·

Thanks Sam, never use Lists before, let me try :)

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