
Serge A avatar image
Serge A asked Logan Gold edited

Compare tree nodes saved in .t format

It would be convenient to be able to compare .t files semantically without loading them as nodes to flexsim environment. Being able to visualize the tree structure in any textual form and the contents of the text nodes containing the flexscript code would allow to use standard diff utilities. For this purpose the transformation from .t to plain text does not need to be lossless or bidirectional.

After the first look at the files it appears that the data block starting at the offset 0x0030 is scrambled/compressed, but no evident magic number is present. In the same time there are some plain-text HTML data.

Is the format documented somewhere or do the tools to deal with it outside of the Flexsim environment exist? What compression scheme is used?

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tree nodexmlfile format
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Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Logan Gold edited

When you right-click a node or set of nodes and choose Node > Save Node As... you are presented with a save dialogue:

Under Save as type: you can specify to save to FlexSim's XML format instead of a binary .t file.

These plaintext XML files facilitate comparisons using diffing programs such as WinMerge, or for versioning systems such as SVN, Mercurial, or GitHub.

Model files and State files can also be saved to the FlexSim XML format.

You can read about FlexSim's XML format in the User Manual under Misc Concepts > FlexSim XML, or here online.

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Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered
@S. Astanin

Exactly for this purpose Flexsim has a xml structure. you can save everything (simple object or complete model ) as fsx file. The .fsx file is an xml structured file. Look for XML in your Flexsim helpfile and a lot of information will be available for you.

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