
Noah Z avatar image
Noah Z asked Noah Z commented

Break point issue

breakpoint-not-triggering.fsmIn 17.0.0 my break points seem to be not working at all. I've attached a simple source to queue model with two break points. One at the onExit from the source and one at the onEntry of the queue. Neither of them stops the model run when the flowitem should have executed the code. Is there a bug with the break point? The code seems to be executing as evidence by the queue's label changing successfully.

FlexSim 17.0.0
break point
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1 Answer

Adrian Haws avatar image
Adrian Haws answered Noah Z commented

The breakpoints will trigger if you place them on lines with code, not if they are placed on empty lines. In the past this has worked, but version 2017's debugger works differently.

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Noah Z avatar image Noah Z commented ·

That was the problem. Thanks for the quick response!

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