
Alvaro Chavez avatar image
Alvaro Chavez asked Logan Gold answered

Activación de licencias.

Buenos días.

Soy el administrador de sistema del laboratorio de Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada y quiero activar la licencia de Flexsim en 30 computadores. Adjunto archivo XML.

La versión que figura en Flexnet es Flexsim 7.3

Other (please specify)
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1 Answer

Logan Gold avatar image
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Logan Gold answered


It looks like that license has already been activated earlier today. The 7.3 Activation ID was returned and the corresponding 17.0 Activation ID was activated a few minutes later. You should be able to finish upgrading the license server with the PDF named FlexSimLicenseServer_Upgrade.pdf found here:

You've most likely accomplished everything up through step 5 (Activate the upgraded license), but you'll need to complete step 6 to finish the upgrade.

Also, I went ahead and removed the XML file you originally posted, because it contains information about the license you are using. Since this is a public question, that means anybody with access to the FlexSim Answers site could also access that information. In the future, if you include any information about your license or need to include an XML for manual licensing cases, you'll want to mark the question as private so only FlexSim employees can access that information.

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