HI, Everyone
I am studying Flexsim to make a simulation.
I want to distribute items to each rack of cell following the types of item with using globaltable.
There are 2 object Sorce1,Rack1
Sorce1 makes 12 items each item number, and Rack1 has 12 LocaID
LocaId is maked up BayI and LevelI
I want to distribute Items to each rack of set following the types of item with using global table
Forexemple, item type 5 is put on LocaId 5 (Bay : 2,Level : 2)
I made the source to load the item, but it does not work.
I dont know what is the problem. So someone pleae tell me about how can I solve this problem
The source is as follows
- Object item = param(1);
- Object current = ownerobject(c);
- /***popup:ByExpression*/
- /**By Expression*/
- int t = getitemtype(item);
- int baynum;
- for(int a=0; a==100; a++){
- if(t = gettablenum("LocaTable",1,a)){
- baynum = gettablenum("LocaTable",3,a);
- return baynum;
- break;
- }
- }
- return rackgetbayloc(current,baynum);
- /**Custom Code*/
- Object item = param(1);
- Object current = ownerobject(c);
- double baynumber = param(2);
- int t = getitemtype(item);
- int levelnum;
- for(int a=1; a==100; a++){
- if(t = gettablenum("LocaTable",1,a)){
- levelnum = gettablenum("LocaTable",4,a);
- return levelnum;
- break;
- }
- }
- return rackgetlevelloc(current,baynumber,levelnum);