
Devdatta D avatar image
Devdatta D asked Jeanette F commented

Error in placing items in rack

I have setup with two racks facing each other in each aisle. When I try to place an item in the rack it gets placed in bay 6, rack 55 when it is supposed to go to bay 12. I have changed bay progression and stride but did not help. When I change the bay progression on Rack 55 forklift travels to incorrect aisle to store the object.

I think the bay is correct. I did not realize the orientation. The problem is the fork lift is using wrong aisle to place object. Highlighted is the pick face it should use but for some reason forklift is using aisle next to it to place items.


Model is called ErrorInPlacingItem

FlexSim 22.1.0
rackbaypick face
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

It gets placed in bay 12 and uses the correct aisle.



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