
MAURA M2 avatar image
MAURA M2 asked Ben Wilson commented

the operator does not pick from a specific bay of rack

the operator has to withdraw not by chance but from a specific location. I have a list of orders. each order corresponds to a tote. the operator must picking the box from a bay of a specific rack

so for example for the first order (first tote) the operator must take: -n ° 1 produced by bay4 of rack 01S; -n ° 1 produced by bay5 of rack 01S; -n ° 1 produced by bay4 of rack 01D. how can I do?

bay level rack.xlsx

bay.png (14.7 KiB)

bay-level-rack.xlsx (10.5 KiB)

(jeff.nordgre thanks for the previous answer, the model works as i wanted)

FlexSim 20.1.2
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1 Answer

Benjamin W2 avatar image
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Benjamin W2 answered

Hi @maura.m2,

You will need to use the new warehousing feature of flexsim to accomplish this. Check out this documentation and sample model.


Additionally, here is a great post by one of our developers to demonstrate the new warehousing functions in depth:

specifybay.fsm (52.4 KiB)
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