
Marcin S5 avatar image
Marcin S5 asked Ryan Clark commented

How to change the rotation of the objects stored on Rack?


I have a problem with the rotation of the Boxes being transffered to the Rack by Transporters. The Boxes are laid in such a position:


As can be seen above, they are laid in parallel, max. 2 in one Bay.

I wish they were arranged this way:


I mean perpendicular, max. 3 in one bay.

In both of these Racks I have the same dimensions, yet one boxes are arranged as expected and the other boxes are not. I don't know what is causing this. Can you advise me on how to make these brown boxes stack like the colored ones? Thank you in advance for your help!

FlexSim 21.2.4
wrong2.png (586.5 KiB)
correct2.png (478.2 KiB)
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

This could be due to the rotation of the object when you assign the position in the slot. Can you post your model so we can illustrate the solution specifically for your model?

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Krzysztof J avatar image
Krzysztof J answered Jason Lightfoot commented

Wystarczy jak dodasz do trigera "On Slot Entry" opcję set rotation. I w osi Z obracasz o 90 stopni.

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