
Ervin Varró avatar image
Ervin Varró asked Ben Wilson edited

How can I simulating the moving of a press machine?

Mostly I could build the correct press machine in the animation window usin g 3 elements, but after this i can't run the animation in the model. I am a beginner in Flexsim, but I should learn to use this program very quickly, within a few days.

My first task is to simulate the moving of a press machine which presses for example boxes and during this time its also lenghten the box, too. If anybody can help me, and would send a video in connection with the solution of this, I would be very grateful.

FlexSim 17.0.1
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gilbert jerald avatar image gilbert jerald commented ·

@Ervin Varró

I have attach a model where animation will start when object come into pressing machine .just open the stamper(processor) triggers to find what are the coding are done to start animation when material comes in . and in m10.fsmthis model you can find animation will start when material comes in and animation will stop when material goes out.

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m10.fsm (26.9 KiB)

1 Answer

Rodrigo Lamas avatar image
Rodrigo Lamas answered Ben Wilson edited

@Ervin Varró Please see these videos from YouTube FlexSim Channel that explain the Animation Creator tool and how to implement into your model! Maybe can be helpful for your project.

YouTube Animation Creator Tutorial

You can also use the Triggers Tab into the object to start / stop the custom animation.


starta.jpg (102.5 KiB)
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Ervin Varró avatar image Ervin Varró commented ·

Thank you very much! I have one more question.

Do you have any idea, how can I twist from a cylinder to another cylinder for example a V belt, using conveyor between the two cylinder. The process should be continuous, so I could see on the first cylinder the whole V belt during the process until the last roll on the cylinder.

Maybe its not too understandable. The most important is that, at the same time the V belt is unroll from the first (starter ) cylinder and wind up to the other cylinder. For example the V belt is 100meters long, while the distance between the two cylinder is only 5 meters. Here is situated the conveyor.

My biggest problem is, I can't simulate how become the circular motion of the V belt to straight motion, when its unroll from the cylinder and reach the conveyor. And then inversely, at the and of the conveyor.

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Ben Wilson avatar image Ben Wilson ♦♦ Ervin Varró commented ·

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