
Bryan Suharik avatar image
Bryan Suharik asked Sam Stubbs commented

Process Time depends on number of Operators


I'm trying to figure out the best way of varying process time by operator. I have flow items that enter a processor for X amount of time depending on what flowitem it is and it calls over Y amount of operators. However, i want the item to be able to continue to process the flowitem at a slower rate if less than Y amount of operators are available. Additionally, if any idle operators are in the model, have them assist priority flowitems to reduce the process time.

I'm looking for some solutions via code as my model is built from code on startup. Process flow would maybe be the best option, but i'm a bit new to developing process flows, so may need some help.

Thanks in advance!


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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Sam Stubbs commented

So I think that Process Flow really will be the best way to approach this situation. What you can do is use Process Flow in conjunction with lists, to create a dynamic process time / number of operators.

I've created an example model for you to look at. How I approached this was as follows:

  • First I have a Process Flow Block initialize a list of Operators I'm going to use in the model.
  • Then I have items pushed to a list and pulled to be sent onto the processors.
  • Then I have a Global List which says the requested amount of Operators and the total Time needed of process time per itemtype.
  • As the item is pulled from the list, it checks the table to pull the requested operators for that itemtype if they are available. And pull up to that many operators from the operator list.
  • Then the model acquires a Processor from the resource group. It assigns a label onto that processor detailing the number of operators pulled from the list to help with the task.
  • In the processor's properties. I have the Process time return a value equal to the lookup value on the table of total time per item type, divided by the number of operators able to be acquired.
  • The item is moved and processed, A subflow directs each of the operators to the processor. Then operators are pushed back onto the list, and the processor is released back to the available resources.

Here is the example below:


example1.fsm (34.0 KiB)
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