
yesid anacona avatar image
yesid anacona asked Rodrigo Lamas answered

Scheduled stops of a productive process

I have a simulation model of a productive process in which they operate from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and at night they do not work, I want to simulate a week but HOW DO I PROGRAM THE MODEL TO STOP IN THE NIGHTS? As the actual process. presentacion-icobandas.fsm Agradezco su ayuda

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1 Answer

Rodrigo Lamas avatar image
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Rodrigo Lamas answered

@yesid anacona you can use a Time Table to do that. Go to Tools / Time Table

Define your Operational Time and the Down Time for daily or weekly repeat.

Then you need to define the Time Table Members, using + or the sample icon with your 3D model.

Remember that you can create more than one Time Table according your model requirements, and is possible use one Time Table for all operator for example.

I hope that this information can be helpful for your model. Best regards!

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