
Kari Payton avatar image
Kari Payton asked Logan Gold commented

Help with preemption shift schedule for operators pushed and pulled from lists.

In the model, operators are created and pushed on a global list. Other fixed resources can pull operators from this list. I attempted to use preemption to have operators go off shift if they are idle or after the resource delay time. The problem is that processes stop on the fixed resource because it is waiting to push operators back on the list, but the token that pulls the operators are in the preempted flow. You can see this in my model at t=11.5. I will add different shifts of operators to the model that will continue the processes on this fixed resource.


FlexSim 17.0.2
preemptionshift scheduleshifts
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1 Answer

Logan Gold avatar image
Logan Gold answered Logan Gold commented

@Kari Payton, if you want to wait until the Operator is done with its current task, then I suggest not using preemption. The only reason to preempt a Task Executer is if you want them to stop a lower priority task sequence and begin on a higher priority task sequence.

Instead, you can give an Operator a Delay task in your off shift logic for the amount of time the Operator should be off shift. Or, you can give it a Utilize task and then call the freeoperators() command when some other condition has been met. In either case, just make sure the task has a higher priority if it's possible that the Operator could have another task in its task sequence queue.

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