
Robin Brunner avatar image
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Robin Brunner asked Sam Stubbs converted comment to answer

Custom States don't work, Custom State Profile doesn't get recognized

Hello Community,

I tried to add some Custom States to my Model. I did it exactly the way @Sam Stubbs explained in the question "Add custom state to a state gantt chart". But it doesn't work. The Dashbord tools don't recognize the Custom State Profile neither my Objects are setting their states like I coded them. Saved and reopened the model, nothing happened. Somebody can help? Maybe there was a new Tree Structure change in the updates?

Regards Robin

FlexSim 17.0.2
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1 Answer

Robin Brunner avatar image
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Robin Brunner answered

Sorry. Uploading my model is a little bit complicated, because my company forbit to publicate my work and their 3D Datas in the model. But everything is fine now. @Sam Stubbs tutorial from "Add custom state to a state gantt chart" is still working!

Thanks anyway :).

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