
宣怡 萬 avatar image
宣怡 萬 asked Axel Kohonen commented

How to show the status of the supermarket queue

This is a simulation case of a supermarket queuing. There are two counters and two waiting areas (Queue).I use randomly assigned currently.But the status of supermarket queue not likes this. ""The status of sumpermarket queue"" is people will choose to line up that fewer people waiting for. So I used "Random Available Port" and "Shortest Queue if Available" in Source.But I think there is a little weird.

Is there any way to fix it or I have to write A program? Thanks.

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supermarket queue
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1 Answer

Axel Kohonen avatar image
Axel Kohonen answered Axel Kohonen commented


I am not sure if I understand what is not behaving as you want. If you are using "Shortest queue if available" in the source it sends the person to the queue that is shortest at the moment when the person arrives to the source. If two queues are the same length then the person goes to the one that is connected first output of the source. Is this not what you want?

Or would you want the customers to change to another queue if it becomes shorter than the one they are in now?


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宣怡 萬 avatar image 宣怡 萬 commented ·

Hi @Axel Kohonen

Thank yor for the information .

The first paragraph of your description has been resolved .

My question is the second paragraph of your description . I want the customers to change to another queue if it becomes shorter than the one they are in now . How should I do it ?


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Axel Kohonen avatar image Axel Kohonen 宣怡 萬 commented ·

Hi Wan,

There are some different options for making the customer change the queue if another queue is shorter depending on when you want it to happen. You need to decide how often the customers can change the queue and how much shorter the other queue needs to be for the customer to change queue. It also depends on if you only have these two queues or very many queues.

See the attached example model that is made with process flow. It only works for two queues as I now only check the queue in centerport 1, but it can be modified to allow for multiple queues. In the example we check the queue 15 seconds after the item has arrived and if the other queue is shorter then we move the object to the other queue


Hope this helps


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queuetest.fsm (38.5 KiB)
宣怡 萬 avatar image 宣怡 萬 Axel Kohonen commented ·

Hi @Axel Kohonen

Thank yor for the information .

I am a student . This is my first time to use Flexsim . Sorry about that I have many question . When I open your example model ,the file is empty . I can't see the example.I don't know why .The reason that we used the different version, isn't it ? I used version 7.3.

Can you screen capture ?

Thank you again.


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