
Marco Baccalaro avatar image
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Marco Baccalaro asked Marco Baccalaro commented

Read field values from a list

I really need to read the fields values from a List.

I tried to query it but I haven't found a way to do it.

Is there a way to do it?

  1. Object list = globallist("MyList");
  2. treenode theList = listentries(list);
  3. query("SELECT value, levels, sku FROM $1",theList);
  4. treenode table = model().find("Tools/prova");
  5. dumpquery(table);
FlexSim 17.0.3
listlist fields
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1 Answer

Cameron Pluim avatar image
Cameron Pluim answered Joerg Vogel commented

@Marco Baccalaro

I've found the best way to read the value from the list is to use the listpull() command with 0 as the requested value, and 0 as the required value (this way it doesn't actually pull them from the list.

  1. int myValue = 15;
  2. string myquery = "WHERE value = " + numtostring(myValue);
  3. Array myArray = listpull(globallist("MyList"), myquery, 0, 0);

Hopefully this helps!

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