
David Besson avatar image
David Besson asked David Besson commented

How to set a Pull from List activity with Query "IN" a label

Flowitems with itemtypes 1, 2 and 3 enter in a queue and are pushed to a list (with a Field itemtype).

A Fixed resource Process flow tells a Processor to pull the flowitems from this list, but only ones with itemtype 2 and 3. -> Activity "Pull from List" with Query "WHERE itemType IN (2, 3)":

It works, but is it possible to reference the itemtype which are pulled with a label on the Processor? Indeed, the itemtypes to pull could be different: only itemtype 1, itemtype 1 and 2, ...

A label "itemType" on the Processor with the value "(2, 3)" and the Query "WHERE itemType IN getlabel(current, "itemType")" seems wrong.

Thanks for your help!


FlexSim 16.1.0
process flowlist
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered David Besson commented

You don't have access to "current" in a Query field. You have access to "puller" (from the Puller field; the entering token in your example) and "value" (the value of each entry on the list that you are comparing to).

You can use the IN clause with an array stored on a label:


You could also form the query as a string on a label and then use that label:


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David Besson avatar image David Besson commented ·


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