
Jefferson Junio Santos avatar image
Jefferson Junio Santos asked IEThai commented

How to insert the dimensions in objects

I need to insert the visual dimensions in some objects in my project, for example I need to insert and view the dimensions in the 3D project, to check if all my machines will be OK in my layout.

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Jefferson Junio Santos avatar image Jefferson Junio Santos commented ·

Hi, Thank you by your help, but this is not my doubt, I want know if is possible insert the dimensions like this example in picture, is possible to insert this information?

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machine.png (117.1 KiB)
Matt Long avatar image
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Matt Long answered IEThai commented

There is no automatic way to accomplish this (FlexSim isn't CAD software), however, you could write a simple script that would draw the lines/arrows and insert the text. Each 3D object has a On Draw trigger where you can write your own FlexScript. The following commands could be used:


You can get the dimensions of the object by using either:

current.size.x current.size.y current.size.z //FlexSim 2017 and later
xsize() ysize() zsize() //Prior to FlexSim 2017
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IEThai avatar image IEThai commented ·

Could you make a simple model for me with just one object?

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David Seo avatar image
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David Seo answered David Seo edited

Do you want to display the dimension value in the side or below of the object like arrow?

I know It's not possible in current flexsim using script.

But you can display another text object as dimension value manually.

But that value is also not dependent on the object, when the object moved to another place, you should move with the dimension text objects. You can guess only the dimension of the object as the grid number if you use CAD scale. The grid can display the object as millimeter too.

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Marcello Rosadini avatar image
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Marcello Rosadini answered Marcello Rosadini edited

With the tools in the "Visual" Library you could do this. You can draw text or a shape and then replace the 3D with whatever you like

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IEThai avatar image
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IEThai answered Joerg Vogel commented

I have the same problem as you.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·
@IEThai, this is not an answer. It is a comment so please, make it to a comment to place it under a question or answer post, so that everybody can recognize where it belongs to. Thank you. Additionally the question is about 8 years old. In active progressing programs it is a century. Please ask a more detailed question and set a link to this thread if you think it useful to understand your problem better. Thank you for considering this, too.
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Marcello Rosadini avatar image
Marcello Rosadini answered Matthew Gillespie commented

Hi Jefferson,

it is not completely clear to me what do you mean, but if you want to modify the dimensions of any 3D Object in your model, you have mainly 3 options:

1.-Highlight the object and drag the colored triangles along the axis you want

2.- Modify the value in the quick properties

3.- Modify the value in the object properties, General Tab

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Michael avatar image Michael commented ·

Is there an easy way to scale an object by a constant factor? Equivalent to holding down shift while resizing an image in powerpoint, for example.

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Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ Michael commented ·

Please ask this as a separate question. It's not really related to the original question.

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