
yesid anacona avatar image
yesid anacona asked yesid anacona commented

How to configure the output and input ports?


Hi, I'm new to software .... and I'm learning. I need someone to help me .. I want the tail 1 to pass more plastic boxes to the tail 2 only when the tail 2 is left without plastic boxes. I do not know how to configure open and closed ports. Thank you Note: from queue 1 to queue 2 are passed from to 12 boxes.

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open and closed ports
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered yesid anacona commented

You were very close, I fixed the logic so that all the triggers are on the Queue2. The OnEntry trigger closes Input to Queue2, then after each box leaves the queue (OnExit) sends a 0 delay message to itself. In the OnMessage trigger I check if the contents are 0 (if that was the last box in the queue) And then open the port again:


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