
Andre Herbst Fulterer avatar image
Andre Herbst Fulterer asked Ben Wilson edited

Upgrading for FlexSim 2017 without reinstalling

Dear all,

is there a way to do the upgrade described here ( without installing the whole lmadmin? We have other software configured through the FlexNet Publisher License Server Manager and they will all be affected with this upgrade.

Thank you Alex

FlexSim 16.2.2
no reinstallupgrading 2017without reinst
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
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Ben Wilson answered Ben Wilson edited

@Andre Herbst Fulterer,

Sorry for the bad news, FlexSim 2017 includes updated licensing features that require the latest FlexNet Licensing Service and lmadmin. Because FlexSim 2017 is built against FlexNet's latest DLLs, in order to use FlexSim 2017 and newer, you will need to upgrade. FlexSim 2017 is not able to obtain a license from older FlexNet services.

The FlexNet licensing software is backwards compatible, so software currently being licensed by FlexNet should work with Flexera's latest versions.

It would seem that your choices are:

  1. keep using FlexSim 2016 update 2 (16.2.2) or older
  2. host your FlexSim licenses on a new license server, separate from your other FlexNet-enabled applications
  3. schedule down time for your license server and get it upgraded

I find option 2 especially compelling since you could get a new license server, with the latest FlexNet updates, installed and working for FlexSim (this might also be a chance to upgrade hardware and OS on your license server). After FlexSim licensing is successfully running on your new 2nd license server, you could then start work on option #3 in a more incremental manner - moving each of your other FlexNet-enabled applications to the updated license server, one-by-one, ensuring there are no compatibility problems with latest FlexNet technology (there shouldn't be), and scheduling down time to migrate each separate application individually. This combo of options 2 and 3 kind of gives you the best of both worlds.

Good luck!

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