
Steven Chen avatar image
Steven Chen asked Steven Chen commented

XTS Conveyor


I need to model something like XTS Conveyor.

It's a continuous loop rail, filled with fixtures. Every fixture remain constant distance while moving.

Operator will put item on fixture, or take item from it.

In my test model, I tried to use combiner for combining fixture and item. But if queue is empty, fixture should not stop.

I think using station object in conveyor module will be better solution for my need. Is it possible to simulate combiner/separator functionality for station?

Another question, how to make fixture move smoothly at junction of two conveyors?


FlexSim 17.1.0
conveyorpower and free
xts.fsm (26.8 KiB)
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Steven Chen commented

I think I was able to create something like what you are looking for. I got rid of the motor and combiner, and instead set up a queue and Process Flow to handle the combining and transfer of combined items. I also changed your conveyors to be "non-accumulating," since that seemed what you were trying to do.

Here is the updated model. Hopefully it is along the lines of what you are looking for.


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Steven Chen avatar image Steven Chen commented ·

Thank you Sam!

The model has some change.

Fixtures must maintain constant distance between each other, in this case the distance is 1 meter.

So while a fixture enters the thin queue, the fixture behind need to keep 1 meter away.

Operator2 only takes part away, fixture stays on conveyor.

In the attached model, I set parts create in 30 sec later. When a part enter, the whole conveyor should stop, but once the motor added simulation will stop at 30 sec.


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Sam Stubbs avatar image Sam Stubbs ♦ Steven Chen commented ·

Here's an updated model with the changes I think you were looking for. I changed the queues to decision points, and I connected a motor with the options "Sync Power and Free Dog positions" and "Adjust Dog gap for continuous loop."


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Steven Chen avatar image Steven Chen Sam Stubbs ♦ commented ·

That's beautiful! Thank you!

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