
José Antonio MD avatar image
José Antonio MD asked José Antonio MD commented

Combiner assembly problem


First of all sorry, because I'm new using Flexsim and probably this is a easy question for you, but i can't find the solution in the forum (i study a car assembly, pallets, etc...).

I want to make an easy assembly of three parts (my models) using the crane, but really, i do not know how to combine the use of the crane and the assembly. I tried to use 1 queue for each part, and use the combiner to join the parts, but the final pieze appears with some parts rotating or moving (if I tried to move or rotate them in the trigger (combiner), I move all the pieces).

Obviusly, if I change the 3D shape, it makes an ugly effect.

Thank you.

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1 Answer

Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered José Antonio MD commented

@José Antonio MAD,

Attached is your model with the changes that I've made. Pretty much all the changes are on the OnEntry trigger of the combiner. It's just a matter of when the crane drops off a part, I stopped the model and moved that part to where it was supposed to be. Not real easy in your case because the flowitems aren't facing the regular X, Y, Z coordinates. But it can still be done. Then I put those seperate part locations in the OnEntry trigger (in the code area) and they are then placed in the proper location.

I hope this helps you figure out what you need to do with your particular model to get it to work the way you want. Let me know if you have any problems.


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