
Marie Lisa avatar image
Marie Lisa asked Marie Lisa commented

Item position on Combiner

Hello guys,

How can I change the position of the items. They should be horizontal and not vertical. I tried it already with the OnEntry Trigger SetPosition, but it did not affect anything.

Thank you in advance.

FlexSim 17.1.2
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Marie Lisa commented

This model packed-batched-items-combiner.fsm works with batched items. OnEntry gets the first item a new rotation and the entering position back. All other items are moved into the first item and lined up side by side. Unfortunately, the flexsim engine evaluates always the x size to place the items in a queue. The visual result is the packed items are colliding in the queue. Also the items hover above the queue.

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