I'm getting errors every time I try to adjust the movement time of a robot in my system. This robot (labeled "spider robot") is the way I must control the throughput rate of my system. It seems to be an extremely specific error, since changing the movement time by any more than .05 seconds causes the subsequent errors and model crash. Here is the output I am getting upon error:
exception: Exception Caught in TaskExecuter::catchTaskError(treenode task) object: /Plane4/Robot4
exception: Exception Caught in TaskExecuter::beginLoadUnloadTask(treenode task, int isLoad, int eventCode, char* eventName, int logId) object: /Plane4/Robot4
exception: Exception Caught in TaskExecuter::beginTask(treenode task) object: /Plane4/Robot4
exception: Exception Caught in TaskExecuter::finishTask(treenode task) object: /Plane4/Robot4
exception: Exception Caught in TaskExecuter::beginTask(treenode task) object: /Plane4/Robot4
exception: Exception Caught in TaskExecuter::finishTask(treenode task) object: /Plane4/Robot4
exception: Exception Caught in TaskExecuter::beginTask(treenode task) object: /Plane4/Robot4
exception: Exception Caught in TaskExecuter::finishTask(treenode task) object: /Plane4/Robot4
exception: Exception Caught in TaskExecuter::onTimerEvent(treenode involved, int code, char *datastr) object: /Plane4/Robot4
exception: Exception Caught in TaskExecuter::onTimerEvent(treenode involved, int code, char *datastr) object: /Plane4/Robot4
exception: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction251__project_library_FlexSimObject_behaviour_eventfunctions_OnTimerEvent object: /Plane4/Robot4 i: /Plane4/Robot4>variables/activetasksequence/ts777/task2 class: /Plane4/Robot4
exception: Exception caught in Executive::processeventinlist(). Throwing.
exception: Exception caught in Executive::steptotime(). Throwing.
exception: Exception caught in Executive::tick(). Throwing.
exception: int runthemessageloop() #4
exception: Executive::instance.tick();
exception: int runthemessageloop() #6
I'm hoping somebody can tell me this is any easy fix and I'm just doing something wrong.
Here is the flexsim file.cusersbowmanmdesktopplate-stacking-primeplate-stac.fsm