
Karen Measells avatar image
Karen Measells asked Matthew Gillespie answered

Why does the wrong doctor see the patient

In the patient track for the staff requirement for the MD exam, I reference a column I created in the PCI table labeled (Provider), which lists the correct provider name for the exam. 90% of the time, the correct doctor sees the patient. But sometimes the wrong doctor sees the patient. How do I specify that ONLY the doctor listed in the PCI table should see that patient?

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Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ commented ·

It's hard to say without looking at what you're doing in the model. Are you using a group name instead of an individual? Could you attach your model or a simplified version of your model that shows the problem?

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Karen Measells avatar image Karen Measells commented ·

I figured out when it's happening- when the provider goes off duty before seeing all of her patients in a day. Another provider takes over for her. Is there a way to limit who can see the patient to only the assigned provider?

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Sam Stubbs avatar image Sam Stubbs ♦ Karen Measells commented ·
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered

By default, when a staff member goes off schedule any tasks assigned to them get re-routed to their primary group and someone else in that group takes over those tasks. Note that this only happens when you send that staff member Off Schedule and not with any of the other break types. This is because Off Schedule signals that the staff member has left for the foreseeable future.

The easiest thing, then, would be to send the staff member on a lunch or other break and not Off Schedule.

The other thing you could do is make that staff member the only member of their group so that even though the task gets re-routed to the group, only they can still fulfill it.

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