
Doug C avatar image
Doug C asked Doug C commented

Issue with Conveyor Accumulation and Transfers

I am working on a model where I have a trunk line that feeds empty boxes to a series of right angle transfers. The boxes are assigned to a given destination which tells it where it should transfer. Once the box transfers, it will be randomly(eventually there will be more logic behind this) sent either left or right to a station where it is filled and then transfered back onto the trunk line. The full box would have its destination updated so it flows past all the transfers on to another process. When a box is filled, it triggers the creation of another box to be sent to replace it. There is space for (2) boxes to be accumulated before the work station so the station is always filling.

Right now I am trying to model one of these transfers and workstation units and running into issues when it comes to boxes accumulation and transfering. I create a few boxes with random destinations to start populating the system using a source with a schedule. The transfer works for the first few boxes but once the station and first accumulation conveyor behind it are full the transfer stops running. Even if the current box trying to enter the transfer is supposed to run straight through. Also, there is another accumulation position right behind the full one that does not fill and further I would like to stage a box in the transfer and the receiving conveyor to have as many cases ready to go as possible. Overall, this stopage creates a gridlock in the system as eventually a box needs to enter back into the system but can't as nothing is moving even though there is space.

Attached is my model, please take a look at it and let me know what I am missing.


FlexSim 7.7.4
accumulationtransferconveyor module
test-model2.fsm (26.5 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered Doug C commented
@Doug C



I loaded your model into the latest version of FlexSim (17.1.1) and it seemed to run without any problems or blockages. I'm thinking there may have been a bug that was fixed since version 7.7.4, your version. Because it works in the latest version, I would suggest you upgrade to that version. To try and fix or make a work around for a previous version would not be time well spent. You could download the latest Trial version and run the attached model in it to show you that it does work.


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Doug C avatar image Doug C commented ·

Thanks Jeff. I just ran it in the latest version and it looks good. I will have my organization look into upgrading.

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