
Dustin S avatar image
Dustin S asked Sam Stubbs commented

Network Node with two paths coming out

Is there a way to add some sort of weight or probability that an entity might choose one path or another, when traveling out of a node?

FlexSim 17.1.1
network node settings using process flow
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Sam Stubbs avatar image Sam Stubbs ♦ commented ·

If I'm remembering your model, you are using Process Flow to determine which path to take. And currently it's sending tokens to the activity that has the least. (This produces a Round-robin type effect essentially.) But what what weight did you want to put on it?

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1 Answer

Dustin S avatar image
1 Like"
Dustin S answered Sam Stubbs commented

I ended up getting it to work using a decide and a bernoulli trial to send the token down a certain path

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5 |100000

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Sam Stubbs avatar image Sam Stubbs ♦ commented ·

Awesome! Glad you found something that works.

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