
Mayuresh J avatar image
Mayuresh J asked Mayuresh J commented

Network node, task executers and process flow


I am using process flow to control an operator (operator2) that transport material from one queue to the other. I used network nodes to control the path of movement of the operator, somehow operator2 is not following the network path. What will be the solution for it?

Thank You.


Version: Flexsim 17.1.4

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process flow network nodesprocess flow task sequencenetwork node settings using process flow
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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered Mayuresh J commented

@Mayuresh J The important thing you have to do is use a travel task to do the travelling. The load unload task only do offset travelling (read through the manual to find more info about offset travelling) So I changed the load unload by a moveobject and used travel task to do the movement.


Here is another post on this forum about the same problem: network node with process flow.

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Mayuresh J avatar image Mayuresh J commented ·


Thank You

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