
Colin Walsh avatar image
Colin Walsh asked Matthew Gillespie commented

Staff Track

Is there anyway to orient the staff members so they follow the patient track. Currently I have staff members when they follow the task to go to "PATIENT_LOCATION" they're standing in the middle of tables, on chairs, walking through walls, etc.

FlexSim HC 5.1.0
networkstaff member
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie commented

I assume you're using paths to route your patients. You just need to connect your staff groups to the path network. Click on the staff group, and click Connect to Path.

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Colin Walsh avatar image Colin Walsh commented ·

When they get to the "PATIENT_LOCATION" though sometimes they stand in front of a patient, sometimes they stand next to them, sometimes they stand behind them and it does not matter if there's a piece of furniture where they are standing so they appear to be stuck in a table or chair

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Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ Colin Walsh commented ·

@Lou Keller, don't you have some material that demonstrates how to position staff around a Patient Processing object?

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Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ Colin Walsh commented ·

Here is a resource that talks about how to position staff in a couple of scenarios:

You can also connect the location to more path nodes and then staff will try to stand on their own path node:

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pathposition.png (44.4 KiB)
Lou Keller avatar image Lou Keller commented ·

Yes, I do. Give me a little while to update the "How-to" paper and model and I'll post it here! Thanks for the reminder!

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