
Paúl Alejandro R avatar image
Paúl Alejandro R asked Paúl Alejandro R commented

Characteristics for a server connected to Flexsim 17.1.2

Hi! I want to connect Flexsim to a server, but I am not sure of the minimal characteristics that it has to have to work appropriately with Flexsim 17.2.1

These are the characteristics:


Processor Intel Core I7 -64 bits - 6 Generation

Motherboard Asus Maximus VII Hero

Hard drive de 2TB

Memory RAM 32 GB

Video: GTX-1080 8GB DDR5


System: Windows 2012 Server Standard

Data base: SQL Server 2014 Standard

Since now, thank you very much

FlexSim 17.1.2
server characteristics
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Ben Wilson avatar image Ben Wilson ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Paúl Alejandro R,

Could you please provide us a bit more info? What is your use case?

  • Do you want to connect to a server for licensing?
  • Do you want FlexSim running on a server and you remote into it to use the program?
  • Do you want FlexSim to connect to a server request or send data?

Also are the computer specifications you have provided describing your client PC or the server itself?

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Paúl Alejandro R avatar image Paúl Alejandro R commented ·

Hi! I want to connect my model to a server in order to request data from a data base and to run my server license in a remote way in that server. The characteristics are from the server itself.

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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Paúl Alejandro R commented

Hi @Paúl Alejandro R,

I want to connect my model to a server in order to request data from a database

Please see this Q&A for info on connecting FlexSim to a database.

run my server license in a remote way in that server.

Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean by this usage. Could you please clarify further? What do you mean by your "server license"? Are you trying to license your client PC installation of FlexSim using a license server? If so, the license server installation instructions are a good place to start.

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Paúl Alejandro R avatar image Paúl Alejandro R commented ·

I'm sorry the thing is I'm not very good in english. Well, I have a license server of Flexsim and OPtquest in my computer, but I have to build a model for a client who want me to use his server with his data base to feed my model, and of course he wants to run the model into his server. So he send me these characteristics in order to verify if they are enough to run the model.

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Ben Wilson avatar image Ben Wilson ♦♦ Paúl Alejandro R commented ·

The computer hardware you listed make a great PC for using FlexSim, though you've said earlier that these are the specs for the database server? Whether or not it meets the specs to run whatever database is being used is up to the database vendor. Probably they are fine since they describe a fairly new and powerful computer.

Please help me make sure I understand the following points correctly:

  • You have a local installation of FlexSim. It is licensed via your company's license server. This is working correctly.
  • You are building a model for a client. The client has data in a database. You need the model to connect to this remote database before/during/after the model run.
  • While you are building and running the model on your computer, you need it to connect to the client's remote database server.
  • When your client runs the model, they need to still access the same database server.

If you go through the MySQL+FlexSim tutorial in the linked Q&A post, you will learn how to download, install, and configure an ODBC connection. This is how FlexSim connects to databases, and even though your database is probably not MySQL, it is still good to do this exercise to understand what is going on. The details of how to connect to your client's specific database engine, whether local or remote, will be specific to the ODBC driver provided by the database vendor, so please consult with their documentation after doing the tutorial.

As long as both you and your client install the proper ODBC drivers and configure a connection using the same name (so that your FlexSim model can use the same connection name regardless of whether it is you or your client running the model), then you should be fine.

Ask a new question here at Answers if you run into a specific question or problem developing your model.

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Paúl Alejandro R avatar image Paúl Alejandro R commented ·

Thanks a lot. All the points you assumed are right

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