
Patrick O avatar image
Patrick O asked Phil BoBo commented

Improving FPS In VR?

Hello, I think that I've run into a wall as far as optimizing a model for VR. I've swapped out the models for more lightweight models as well as turning off shadows, and killing text that updates. It there any other way to optimize the model that I'm missing out on?

The model contains a large amount of conveyors, so if there is any way to combine or make them less taxing, that would be great.

FlexSim 17.1.2
vrvr modeoptimizehelp requestlarge model
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo commented

It would be easier to tell you how you can improve your framerate if you posted the model. If it is a confidential model, you can check the Private box so that only you and FlexSim Support can access it.

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