How do the operator set up the machine to wait finish first and then return to the Q ?
Ex. Order 1
Operator 1 keeps the mixture on the C11 machine. The operator must wait for 1130 s and return to queue 1.
How do the operator set up the machine to wait finish first and then return to the Q ?
Ex. Order 1
Operator 1 keeps the mixture on the C11 machine. The operator must wait for 1130 s and return to queue 1.
What you see is absolut normal. You haven't given your operator the job: transport an item, wait a system cycle, look for the tasksequence to setup the processor, which the operator delivered the item to, do the setup and then look for the next job. Instead you said: transport an item and then look for the next job to do. The next job to do is stored in the dispatcher's tasksequencequeue. It is the next transport tasksequence. But in the moment the taskexecuter unloads the item, the task to setup the processor hasn't been created yet. This is done in the next or the following system cycle of the Flexsim engine. In my opinion the transport tasksequence must be enhanced with a delay task at the end. Then the operator will become available when the setup tasksequence is created by the processor and thus by the Flexsim engine. Then it is your duty to tell the dispatcher that the operator which has delivered the item to a machine gets the tasksequence which is responsible to setup this processor.
A setup operator should stay at the processor for the specified setup time. Based on you model, the operator should be staying at C11 for 1130 time units (seconds) as long as the itemtype of item is equal to 1.
However, when I ran your model, the setup operator (Operator1) did not stay for the setup time. Not sure quite why. Will have to have others look at this to see if they can explain why the setup operator is not staying for the specified setup time.
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