
Keith H3 avatar image
Keith H3 asked Phil BoBo answered

Potential Bug: Flexsim command in query

I have encountered a couple instances where a query containing a flexscript command stops working (returns an empty table when it should not). After closing out of the model and reopening it runs fine. When the query stopped working, I had not made any edits to related code. The query is quite simple and the syntax is correct, as it normally works. Example: Table result = Table.query("SELECT ceil(ColumnNameOne / ColumnNameTwo) FROM... join two tables on certain columns). I have not been able to cause this to occur deliberately, and it is working fine now. I am using version 17.1.2, and noticed the release notes state that a bug was fixed regarding queries and flexscript commands. I figured I would point this out in case a bug persists.

querybug reportsql
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered

This sounds like an intermittent bug that we just fixed for our next bug-fix release where queries would return empty tables. The bug was being caused by uninitialized memory, so it wasn't consistent, and closing and reopening the model would often fix the problem.

The next bugfix release should be available in the next week or two.

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