
Brandon Frank avatar image
Brandon Frank asked Brandon Frank commented

Flexscript combine two integer variables into one (current month and day)

Very straightforward FlexScript syntax issue I'm having:

I have two variables that represent the current day and month of the year. I want to combine them into one variable.



int day = getmodelunit(CURRENT_DAY_OF_MONTH);

int month = getmodelunit(CURRENT_MONTH_OF_YEAR);

int today = month&day;


I want the "today" variable to read as "712" (based on today's date of July 12th). Bonus points if you can tell me how to add a slash so it reads as "7/12".


FlexSim 17.1.1
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1 Answer

Allister Wilson avatar image
Allister Wilson answered Brandon Frank commented

To make 712 from 7 and 12, you can just use arithmetic :

int today = 100 * month + day;

You can't have a slash in a number. You'd need to use a string if you want to represent "7/12" :

string todayStr = numtostring(month) + "/" + numtostring(day);
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Brandon Frank avatar image Brandon Frank commented ·

Thank you!

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