
José Antonio MD avatar image
José Antonio MD asked José Antonio MD commented

Same movement duration



I'm trying to create a model where a TaskExecuter (or a Transporter) is moving by differents positions using the NetworkNode.

The problem is the movement time, because all the movements should last the same time (The speed must change depending on the distance? How can I do it?).

Thank you!

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task executertimemovement
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Marcello Rosadini avatar image
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Marcello Rosadini answered José Antonio MD commented

Hi Jose Antonio,

one alternative would be to set up the virtual distances between nodes so that they are all the same. If the value of the virtual distance is zero, Flexsim calculates the actual distance, but if it's different than zero, you can make it any value you want.

On your particular model, it will take some effort since you have a lot of nodes. Do you need so many? If you right click on the directional arrows you can make a curved path and with that, probably you could accomplish the same trayectory with less nodes.

captura2.png (11.7 KiB)
captura1.png (15.3 KiB)
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Marcello Rosadini avatar image
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Marcello Rosadini answered José Antonio MD commented

You could define a total number common for all 3 paths, for instance 30. Then on the path of 6 nodes you set a Virtual distance of 5 between each and on the path with 10 nodes you set a distance between nodes of 3. This way youll have exactly the same distance in both paths and travel time should be the same.

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