
Erica W avatar image
Erica W asked Joerg Vogel commented

Use operator to change flow item orientation

Is there a way to use an operator to change the orientation of a flow item? I would like for the operator to move a cylinder to a point, then turn it on its side.

FlexSim 17.1.2
operatorsflow item orientation
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel commented

You need an event to change something in Flexsim. A message can be such an event. The Operator is a Taskexecuter, which needs tasksequences to let him do something. Each time you activate the option Use Transport in the Flow Properties the Flexsim Engine creates a transport tasksequence. The Task Sequence Example_1 contains the source code, which the Engine creates on its own. In the attached model I let the operator travel to the Basic FR and then I send a message to himself. You find in the OnMessage Trigger of the Operator (Source Code Editor) a reference to the item I assume that is it there and line of code which rotate the object. Unfortunately the rotation stays only as long as the operator transports the item. The item might get its standard orientation back when it enters the next object. If the operation should be changed totaly the shape must be rotated in the item.

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