
Robin Brunner avatar image
Robin Brunner asked Jacob Gillespie commented

FlexSim Socket Communication Error (Example by Logan Gold)

Hello Community,

I tried and tested a lot to get @Logan Gold 's old Socket Example working. I know it's build up with Version 7.4 and I'm using Version 17.1.4, but I thought that would be no big deal.

So I can get the connection between the two FlexSim Instances running (Server and Client). Otherwise the FlexSim Server Instance would be countinuing freezing. But the problem now is that I can't send/receive information between the instances. I tried to debug a lot with Console Printouts and after reading the error messages I found out that the "serverreceive(...)" command is not returning a string. It's a double with "0" in it. In the Command Help is defined that it must be a string executed by FlexScript (and the Script Command Console is only working with FlexScript). So why do I don't get a string with the "Hello World!" message? Maybe someone can test it on his system.

The error message is as in the picture:

Regards Robin

FlexSim 17.1.4
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1 Answer

Jacob Gillespie avatar image
Jacob Gillespie answered Jacob Gillespie commented

It looks like this function doesn't return a string anymore since 17.0 when we switched to compiled flexscript.

This is a bug. I'll add it to the dev list.

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