
Axel Kohonen avatar image
Axel Kohonen asked Ben Wilson edited

What would be the best way to communicate between Flexsim and other processes, e.g. a WMS system?


I am wondering what different kinds of methods there exists in Flexsim to communicate with another system running either on a web server or a local virtual machine? The system could be e.g. a WMS system that gives orders to Flexsim on what to do inside the warehouse. In the web communication thread the http solution is outlined and that could be a working solution.

Are there other solutions to the problem or other interfaces that one can use to communicate between Flexsim and some other software? Should one choose a different approach if the other system is a web server than when it is a local virtual machine?

What is needed is that Flexsim and the other system can send each other messages and react to them and also that their clocks can be synced somehow so that neither gets ahead of the other. One option could be that Flexsim sends it's clock to the other system and the other system responds by giving Flexsim the tasks that need to happen at that time.

Thank you!

Kind regards,


FlexSim 16.1.2
web communicationcommunicationwms
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Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Ben Wilson edited

In addition to the web communication thread you've already pointed to, you may also consider looking into using sockets. @Logan Gold created a socket example model, last updated in January 2016, that was posted on the old forum.

You can get more documentation of FlexSim's socket communication abilities by checking out all the socket, server, and client commands located under the Communication category.

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Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered Chaoqing X commented

@Axel Kohonen I don't know what the prefered way is but there are other ways possible also. Flexsim is capable to communicate with databases so maybe it can communicate directly with the WMS database?. You can use the standard Flexsim functions with ODBC or wrap the native driver in a C++ dll and use that.

There are also complex solutions thinkable like a COM object or very simple ones with just text files being written and read.

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