
Ale avatar image
Ale asked Phil BoBo answered


Simple question: I have my model set up in hours. When I use a distribution do I have to convert my values to hours as well?

i.e. let's say I'm using a normal distribution and my average delay time is 1 minute. Should I just add 1 minute or add 0.017 hrs instead?

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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered

You should use whatever units your model is in everywhere. The distributions are unitless. If you use a normal distribution with a mean of 1, then it will return a sample from a normal distribution with a mean of 1. If your model is in hours and you use this for your process time, then the process will take about an hour.

You can use conversion commands, such as minutes(), to convert from a certain unit of measure to model units. For example:

minutes(normal(1, 0.5))

If your model is in hours, that will return values around 0.0167.

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