
Ale avatar image
Ale asked Jeff Nordgren commented

Process time

I'm using a sub flow that call out a process time label in a schedule source. I have 4 production cells set up and I'm using this sub flow on all of them.

My question is: How can I set up a current label called "PT Assembly" so that the process time has different options i.e. be divide in 3 or not divided at all depending on the decision activity? see pics.(Case 3).

Im currently using token.labels["PT Assembly"].value/2 that goes from solder -crimp -mold but if it goes from solder-crimp-pot-mold I would need to divide the time in 3 and if it goes directly to mold I don't want the process time divided at all.

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1 Answer

Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered Jeff Nordgren commented
@Alejandra Norell

I would just use a Global Table to hold the value(s) in and just reference those value(s).

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Ale avatar image Ale commented ·

@Jeff Nordgren 1.jpgCould you please provide me a better example of this? true and false is for only two values correct? My case is for 4 values and how I will link this to my process flow label located in the source schedule.

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Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren Ale commented ·
@Alejandra Norell

Does this graphic help? For example, if you had four item types with different processing times, you could set your label "PT Assembly" to correspond to a Global Table. With each row in the Global Table being the itemtype (Type) of the flowitem. Then just choose "Table>By Global Lookup Table" in the Value field for the label and fill in the fields.

This would give you the ability to have any number of different processing times based on the itemtype of the flowitem.

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Ale avatar image Ale commented ·

@Jeff Nordgren thanks for the example but I don't think I global table will work for me because Im using a schedule and the process time varies for each product and it

can potentially have hundreds of products per day.

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Ale avatar image Ale Ale commented ·

I want to divide the process time using a query so it divides the process time depending on what I need to do and its not tied to a prefixed number.

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Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren Ale commented ·
@Alejandra Norell

Then just do that, have a fixed time, like you suggest, in a flowitem label and then depending on the process, do whatever calculation you need to do to that fixed time. Or is there still something I'm missing here?

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