
Paúl Alejandro R avatar image
Paúl Alejandro R asked Paúl Alejandro R commented

License server and firewall


I would like to know which ports and applications should be allowed in the firewall for the flexsim server license to work, because when the firewall is turned on it stops working.


FlexSim 17.1.2
license server
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Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered

@Paúl Alejandro R,

You can find firewall information and instructions in the FlexSim License Server Installation Instructions.

In its current revision 20170316, you can find firewall info in section 7. Configure Windows Firewall.

There you'll find a description of the process hinted at by @Jörg Vogel wherein the related processes should be allowed through the firewall.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Paúl Alejandro R commented

Simply allow the program flexsim.exe to communicate through your firewall if you use a concurrent license server get a license granted.

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Paúl Alejandro R avatar image Paúl Alejandro R commented ·

Thanks for the help

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