
Omar Aguilera Rico avatar image
Omar Aguilera Rico asked Jordan Johnson answered

Unload on Conveyor with process flow!

I have a problem when I tell the operator to unload on a conveyor. Attach a model to see if there is a solution. The model contains three Cases which "CASE1" and "CASE3" do not work. What I am looking for is that when unloading on the conveyor it is placed in the assigned position or that it runs in its respective conveyor. problem-unload-conveyor.fsm

FlexSim 17.2.1
process flowconveyorunload
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Jordan Johnson avatar image
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Jordan Johnson answered

The issue is that you can only unload to an entry transfer, not directly into the conveyor. The trick is creating an entry transfer, without any connections. To do this, A-connect any object to the conveyor. This will create a connection and an entry transfer. Then, right-click the entry transfer and select "Remove All Connections". This will orphan the entry transfer. You can then sample the entry transfer as the destination for you unload tasks. You can move the entry transfer around, so that on the third case, you can unload at the decision point.


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Jeff Nordgren avatar image
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Jeff Nordgren answered

@Omar Aguilera Rico

You can not unload a flowitem directly onto a conveyor. The conveyor object does not have input ports. You have to load to an EntryTransfer point, not directly to a conveyor.

And DPs are related directly to conveyors. They can connect to other DPs, PEs, or conveyor Transfer (in/out) points. You can not unload a flowitem directly to a DP.

Attached is your model with the changes I made that will allow you do basically the same thing by adding EntryTransfer points to the top and bottom conveyors. Then in the feeding Qs, I set the Q to not release the flowitem.

But your basic problem is trying to unload to objects that can not be unloaded to. If you have any questions or problems, please let us know.



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