
Sebastian Hemmann avatar image
Sebastian Hemmann asked Phil BoBo converted comment to answer

Operators stop on travel destination

Hi, since FlexSim 2017 Update 2 it seems as if an Operator thats running a Travel Tasksequence given via Process Flow stops at every Point that it gets. This means if I want an Operator travel to a specific Destination via another sepcific NN it stops for a short Moment on this Point.

Until FlexSim 2017 Update 1 for me it worked that Operator didn´t stop until it reached the finish Point. So if there was some travel Tasks it stoped the first time on the last Destination.

Feature or Bug? And what do I have to do if I´m looking for the old behavior?

FlexSim 17.2.1
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered

Please post an example model.

Preferrably a 17.1 model that shows it working how you want and the same configuration in 17.2 working differently.

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